Thursday, May 31, 2007

Thursday Share! A Flower

Okay I have been working on swap cards for the various groups that I belong to....I decided to venture into a swap with a group that I have only been part of for a was for a card with Flowers, had to be a Stampin' Up set that was not retiring.....well this should be easy peasy right.....wrong!....I was looking through the Stampin' Up catty cause I had marked all of the retiring set off in the book.....I only have a handful of sets left that are not retired....well I know that is not a bad thing...means I get to buy some new stuff.....well....if I was a demo that would be okay....I am just a SU customer and now I have to buy new sets to be able to stay current so that I can swap with these ladies......hey.....what is my problem?.....rofl.....I am thinking that I have a big problem anyone I had this stamp set Heartfelt Thanks and unless I did not mark my sets off right, it is not retiring from the catty, so I set out to make a card with it.....again I am having issues with my scanner and I think it is winning....roflmao.....This cards was made with Taken with Teal cardstock from Stampin' Up and Black....ladies if you own these two colors go and put them side by side..... am right or am I right they are much prettier and brighter together in real this card is buggin' looks so fresh and inviting, then I scan it and to me it looks like I forgot to add color.....hmmmmm....I am bugging the dear old hubby to let me buy a new one...I am not sure I am winning this battle though....and here is my dilemna when I try to load pictures that I have taken with my camera....okay I take the picture, I add it to my photo files, I resize it small, and then I try to upload it onto my BLOG, it looks like it is working and working to upload it, then it tells me the page is not available.....does anyone have a suggestion for the pictures that I am taking are much sharper with the camera.......oh well....just my musing for today....I have some more swaps to finish in the next few days and then I can relax and wait for the return mail....I so love getting these swaps back......I got a couple new stamps this past week and once these have to use Stampin Up stamp swaps are complete, I will dig into this stamps and showcase some cards....have a great day!...later gaters!

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